Invest in sustainable systems
Managing our impact and building sustainable operations
We are committed to acting as responsible stewards of our environment and operating our businesses in a sustainable manner because we understand the importance of protecting our environment and managing our footprint, and the significance of climate change and its impact on our business and our communities.
Our priorities: Environmental reporting | Data and metrics | Risk identification | Climate-related initiatives
Environmental reporting
Aligning with the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) framework will allow us to better address our potential climate impacts as well as climate-related risks and opportunities in the future.
Risk Management
Metrics and Targets
Energy and emissions data and metrics
In 2021, we submitted our first CDP questionnaire, which included our climate disclosures for 2020. We saw an opportunity to strengthen the baseline data we collected by gathering 2019 data for tracking and trending purposes at the same time.
With three years of data we now believe we have a foundation for measuring the impact of our ongoing GHG and energy initiatives. Our work over the past year has also included improvements to our data capture processes and ability to report on additional Scope 3 GHG categories.
For more information and detailed reporting, see our 2022 CSR report.
Climate-related risks
Climate-related risks can take multiple forms. For example, there are regulatory, reputational and physical risks that may require attention and consideration.
Some examples of risk types and considerations include:
Climate-related initiatives
As part of our ongoing sustainability programming, we are working on multiple strategic climate-related initiatives. For example, since 2017, we have been working to reduce our energy and emissions by eliminating or consolidating data centers and offices.
Fiserv prioritizes the incorporation of green building design principles and consideration of LEED certification for new real estate projects. To date, our New York office has been designated LEED Gold and our New Jersey campus has been submitted for LEED Platinum. We are also currently seeking LEED certification in our new Dublin, Ireland office and will use these same green building design principles in our newly announced Milwaukee, WI office.
For more information about our climate-related initiatives, see our 2022 CSR report.