BEST-IN-CLASS Capabilities

Bakkt® Crypto Connect

Offer your accountholders options to buy, sell and store cryptocurrency on a secure, regulated platform offered in partnership with Bakkt, available with mobile banking from Fiserv.


bakkt logo


  • Consumer service icon

    Enable consumers to buy, sell and hold crypto within your banking app.

  • Mobile phone icon

    Easily integrate crypto into your mobile banking experience with an integrated product.

  • Data stack icon

    Set yourself apart from the competition by offering bitcoin and ether. 

  • Cyber security icon

    Leverage an established solution from Bakkt, an organization well-practiced in regulatory oversight on multiple levels.

Connections to accelerate payments


Compete with other institutions and offer the crypto solutions consumers want.


Experience a fast and easy integration that enables you to quickly turn on crypto buy, sell and hold functionality for accountholders.


Count on Bakkt Holdings, Inc., a licensed, regulated money transmitter and virtual currency business activity provider.


Offer a focused, curated, and strategic multi-coin program, with plans to add additional coins in the future.

Consumers are looking for crypto options they can trust. Fiserv can connect you to the solutions they want in partnership with Bakkt.



of Gen Z and millennial consumers want their bank or credit union to hold crypto1


of crypto aware and curious customers are interested in buying crypto through their financial institution2


of bitcoin holders would switch financial institutions for one that offered bitcoin products3

1 - Source: Expectations & Experiences: Fintech Adoption, Fiserv, December 2021
2 - Source: “The Crypto Phenomenon: Consumer Attitudes & Usage,” Visa, July 2021​​
3 - Source: “Bakkt Pack Insight Community Survey,” Bakkt, May 2022

Ready to get started?

Contact us to find out more