White Paper
SMEs are looking to their financial institutions and payment providers for the best tools to build their businesses, and an elevated understanding of their needs and goals. Instant payments and business overlay services provided by financial institutions can help SMEs thrive with certainty of payment, visibility of cash flows and flexibility – both for themselves and their customers and clients.
This Fiserv sponsored white paper, developed in association with Finextra, focuses on the problems and challenges faced by Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). SMEs play a huge part in the global economy. They have been quick to pivot over the last eighteen months and adopt digital workarounds to keep their businesses running.
Read the paper to learn about specific use cases and examples and how financial institutions can continue to support SMEs with well-thought-out solutions.
Enterprise Payments Platform from Fiserv offers intelligent, automated and centralized payments processing and liquidity management across all payment types and clearing schemes – real-time, low value, high value, SWIFT and correspondent payments – through a scalable, open-architecture platform.