Introducing Systems Integration Services

Mar  16 
Staff Writer   

Accelerate your digital transformation for an interconnected world

Digital transformation is an opportunity to rethink how your business operates and delivers value to consumers. Financial institutions and enterprises of all sizes are embracing that opportunity, making ongoing technology investments to reimagine their businesses for an interconnected world.

But cost-effectively scaling current IT needs while supporting forward-thinking digital transformation strategies can be a tall order requiring thoughtful planning, implementation and management. Every solution deployed requires at least a dozen points of interconnectivity across an organization's technology infrastructure. New systems must integrate with existing ones and be quickly deployed, customized, tested and managed to maximize value.

Systems Integration Services from Fiserv can help make that happen, paving the way for enhanced business value and a return on investment that often comes from digital transformation. Our range of leading-edge professional services and expertise in systems integration, cloud capabilities, infrastructure, cybersecurity and intelligent automation can help organizations transform their businesses efficiently, effectively and securely.

Jason Tedford believes digital transformation translates directly into value to his consumers. The senior vice president and CIO for Empower Credit Union said, "We've reduced our testing cycle time and can deliver new capabilities faster."

Focusing on five fundamental priorities can help organizations meet their goals for digital transformation.

A successful digital transformation journey depends on systems integration and maximizing technology investments. 

1. Connect and Integrate Systems

To deliver the digital experiences businesses and consumers expect, important connections need to occur across the enterprise – between new and legacy systems and front-office applications and back-office processes.

Robust integrations should be in place to help provide a seamless user experience.

2. Simplify, Modernize and Secure Applications

Monolithic legacy systems, which often have countless difficult-to-manage code dependencies, can be a barrier to effective digital transformation. Those applications may have a single-source control point and may be expensive to maintain.

Often, legacy systems' entire code base must be recompiled and redeployed to accommodate even the smallest changes. Legacy applications can be modernized for increased simplicity, lower cost and improved security. Companies can make headway on that goal by splitting code by functionality, restructuring the code around microservices, and using capabilities such as container technology and Kubernetes.  

3. Keep Systems Operating Smoothly

Ensuring a company's IT infrastructure is agile, available and secure is a top priority. That's why data protection and business continuity are so important.

Cloud capabilities can help. According to a 2020 Celent report, 75 percent of banks that accelerated their transformation plans saw increased investment in public cloud as a result of  COVID-19. Fiserv is invested heavily in cloud technology and our Systems Integration Services team has expertise in end-to-end infrastructure solutions, including cloud migrations and hosting, cloud-native application modernization, managed services, backup capabilities and disaster recovery.

4. Adopt New Technologies to Meet Consumer Expectations

The adoption of new technologies – including intelligent automation, robotic process automation, data analytics and cloud computing – is changing how financial institutions and businesses operate and meet evolving consumer expectations.

The same Celent study found 60 percent of banks surveyed will increase spending on artificial intelligence or robotic process automation in the back-office as a result of COVID-19. Expect adoption of robotic process automation, cloud computing and other new technologies to increase as organizations take advantage of their many benefits.

5. Outsource Noncritical IT Functions

For many organizations, the best strategy is to focus on key priorities, and outsource noncritical IT functions. Finding the right balance of internal and external resources will help your organization achieve its goals for innovation and cost management.

Partnership for Success

A successful digital transformation journey depends on systems integration and maximizing technology investments. Fiserv offers the benefits of scale and global expertise across a range of services, and systems integration to help you realize your digital transformation vision.