AllData Aggregation


Fiserv has been in the data aggregation business for more than 20 years and is the first-in-market to include cryptoasset information as part of our data connectivity offering. Thousands of businesses and millions of consumers trust Fiserv to help them maximize the power of data aggregation.

Whether you are looking to add a new data aggregation source to an existing blended environment or to an app in the concept phase or already in market, choosing AllData® Aggregation from Fiserv will help you grow your business.

What is data aggregation >


Fiserv enables millions of people and businesses in a world that never powers down




financial institution clients




global accounts on file


Touchpoints in nearly


of U.S. households


More than


transactions per second




assets processed daily


More than

35 Yrs

finance industry leadership


Complete insights from a 24-month transaction history.


Account types, average balances, and transactions.


Verification of credit card balances and payment history.


First-in-market data connections for ongoing visibility.

Cash Flow

Provides a view into a borrower’s financial health.


Verify income with two year history for all financial accounts.

The numbers don’t lie – Fiserv data aggregation platform delivers stability and data accuracy our other platforms can’t even touch. It was a great decision to partner with Fiserv.

- David Evans, President and CEO, DecisionLogic


Financial Technology

Use enhanced data to power your financial apps.

Money Movement

Gain greater insights into customer segments.

Lending & Account Openings

Income, cash flow, transaction history and more.


Wealth Management

Enable advisors to offer new opportunities.

Financial Wellness (PFM)

Provide real-time personalized financial insights.

Account Verification

Streamline processes for opening accounts.


Getting started is easy

Empowering consumers doesn't get any easier. AllData Aggregation via REST API provides multiple ways for you to access consumer-permissioned data covering dozens of vertical markets. This provides actionable insight that can be used to develop solutions for retail, wealth management, consumer lending and financial services. 

View our API documentation >


Supports any platform requiring aggregated data



Offers a robust view with broad account type coverage



Easy integration across any platform or application



A proven ally in keeping your data and reputation safe


What can you do with more insightful consumer data?

Talk to a solutions expert to ask for a demo or request sandbox access.

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Additional Resources

AllData Aggregation

Visit the product page to learn more about how AllData provides access to consumer-permissioned financial data covering dozens of vertical markets.
Visit product page


Visit the product page to see how VerifyNow can reduce fraud by verifying bank account ownership, status and consumer identity in real-time.
Visit product page

What Is Data Aggregation?

AllData Aggregation provides accurate real-time consumer financial data at your fingertips.
See the video

Data Aggregation Use Cases

Aggregated consumer-permissioned financial data can be used to develop targeted solutions for a far-reaching set of applications.
See the video