BEST-IN-CLASS Capabilities

AllData Aggregation for Wealth Management

Gain insights into clients' financial health, improve decision making and generate sales opportunities with AllData® Aggregation from Fiserv.


  • Networ connectivity icon

    Add AllData Aggregation to any platform and easily integrating the data you need with any new or existing application using REST APIs, regardless of the underlying technology platform.

  • End to end icon

    Get real-time information on clients’ transactions, assets, liabilities and financial histories.

  • Trusted sources icon

    Access a wealth of information provided by 20 million daily transactions imported from thousands of unique data sources.

  • Data stack icon

    Rely on exceptional data coverage and reliability with regular data quality checks from a provider that has been in the data aggregation business for over 15 years.

  • Security icon

    Leverage the same technology used by the world's leading financial institutions, protect customer information and access real-time data to help identify fraud.

Data to drive personalized service


Increase loyalty and satisfaction with an unparalleled blended data environment for any application.


Improve decision speed and develop tailored customer experiences based on up-to-date consumer financial data.


Reduce the risk of error and provide a better client experience with 95% coverage and an industry best-in-class 98% success rate.


Get a holistic, end-to-end view of clients’ finances with extensive account type coverage.


Attack fraud with insight into real-time account data and balance verifications

See how fintechs are using data aggregation to develop new use cases.

Watch the video

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