Strategic Agility Begins at the Core

Compete in a changing world with leading-edge, trusted technology

Fiserv provides reliable, innovative technology that helps financial institutions anticipate and meet consumer needs. As the financial services industry continuously evolves, Fiserv is there – ready for what’s next.

Whether you are a large bank, credit union or smaller community bank, Fiserv has the account processing platform to meet the unique needs of your institution. We offer open architecture, continuous real-time processing, modern base components and cloud readiness.

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Best-in-Class Banking Core

Today's financial institution means so much more to its accountholders than a place to deposit money. Aite named Fiserv a "best in class" core banking provider based on key criteria:

  • Vendor stability
  • Client strength
  • Client service
  • Product features
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What do you need to do?


Compete Effectively in a Digital World 

Strengthen your market position with integrated digital and physical channels  
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Embrace Real Time Beyond Just Transactions 

Blur the line between digital and physical using our dynamic ecosystem of interoperable components
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Mitigate Fraud, Risk and Emerging Threats

Battle growing cybersecurity threats with a safer, faster, layered approach
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Stay Ahead of Regulatory Compliance

Sleep well at night knowing you have a partner invested in ensuring your institution is following the latest guidance
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Adapt to Changing Expectations

Pursue the open banking strategies that make consumers’ lives easier with API-enabled technology
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Fiserv solutions, integration and expertise put us in the strongest position to succeed in our fast-changing marketplace.

– Barbara Tosi-Renna, Assistant Chief Operating Officer, New York Community Bancorp, Inc.

Staying Relevant in a Competitive Market


Kearny Bank is always looking for ways to take advantage of new opportunities and deliver better experiences. Their partnership with Fiserv is a key to making that happen. See how the bank's leaders compete with bigger banks and manage their customers’ changing expectations.

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