Deposit Liquidity Solutions

Every consumer’s financial situation is different, and they're looking to you to meet their unique needs in real time. When they need access to funds or lending resources, they want it fast, convenient and tailored for them.

Consumer spending habits have changed. They want the convenience and protection of instant funds availability for deposits, deposit-based liquidity options and overdraft limits based on their profile and behavior. If their financial institution doesn't provide these services, consumers often turn to nontraditional loan providers – which can be detrimental to both you and them.

With Deposit Liquidity Solutions from Fiserv, you provide your account holders a balanced set of options that help them meet their immediate needs, setting you apart from typical one-size-fits-all offerings. Your financial institution can easily deliver a suite of liquidity products focused on accountholder satisfaction while maintaining regulatory compliance and increasing noninterest income. 


A well-rounded deposit strategy to meet cash flow demands

Address accountholder needs 

Meet consumer expectations faster and retain your best customers

Make intelligent liquidity risk decisions

Built-in protections for your accountholders and regulatory compliance for your institution

Bolster additional sources of noninterest income

Reduce impact of declining interest rates and protect from future interest rate risk


Deposit Liquidity Solutions from Fiserv

Whether your accountholders have a check to deposit, an upcoming expense to cover or an overdraft of their account balance, Fiserv has a deposit liquidity solution to help.

Instant, guaranteed funds availability when consumers or small businesses deposit checks, instead of applying typical hold policies.

  • More convenience for your accountholders
  • No added risks to your institution 
  • Provides an additional source of fee revenue

Deposit analytics solution dynamically adjusts individual accountholders’ overdraft limits based on transactional behavior such as increased deposits or decreased risks.

  • Implement a responsible and compliant discretionary overdraft program
  • Allows accountholders to overdraw to meet liquidity needs within their means, per your discretionary limits
  • Improves accountholder satisfaction while reducing risk of loss

Deposit-based liquidity solution enabling your financial institution to offer accountholders a better option to bridge the gap for their immediate spending needs.

  • Leverages deposit-based scoring without accessing credit file data
  • Built-in consumer protections 
  • Helps accountholders avoid nontraditional lenders while giving you a reliable new source of income
Exploring the Demand for Deposit-Based Bank Lending Exploring the Demand for Deposit-Based Bank Lending

Exploring the Demand for Deposit-Based Bank Lending

According to the recent Emergency Funds Survey commissioned by Fiserv and SmartBrief, 35 percent of respondents said they occasionally need access to short-term loans and would prefer to get those funds through their primary financial institution. Read the white paper for insights on how financial institutions have an opportunity to address an unmet market need for a fast, automated solution for small, short-term loans. 

Read the White Paper


How to Win Underserved Customers

About one in five consumers use alternative sources to meet their financial needs. Banks can now leverage point-in-time awareness and a range of liquidity options to produce wins for all. Read what Fiserv experts have to say in this BAI Banking Strategies article.

Short-Term Lending Can Have Broad Appeal

When it comes to short-term lending, there is a persistent assumption that the service is strictly for lower‑income consumers who have few options for accessing funds. But research shows a significant portion of higher-educated, higher-income respondents also want access to short‑term funds.