Weiland BRMedge

Analyzing your bank fee statements has never been more important, but finding time to do it has never been so difficult. Weiland BRMedge™ from Fiserv automates bank fee analysis for better results in less time.


With Weiland BRMedge from Fiserv, you can automate the bank fee analysis process to meet the challenge of rising bank fees, changing regulations and new compensation methods – all while cutting costs and reducing the burden placed on your treasury staff.

By electronically receiving, processing and analyzing billing statements, Weiland BRMedge helps mid- to large-sized companies, governments and universities gain complete control over their bank relationships. The system processes and reports detail of your statement data to identify every possible billing discrepancy.

By capturing, evaluating and comparing every statement detail, you’ll gain a comprehensive window into your treasury operation that saves money, strengthens your negotiating position and allows better evaluation of your cash management operation.

Weiland BRMedge comes equipped with advanced automation tools that streamline the analysis process. The system virtually runs itself and will even notify your banks of billing errors and post fees to your general ledger. And because the system processes 822 and Bank Services Billing (BSB) electronic statements, there is never any manual data entry.

Available on-premise, on-demand or outsourced to our certified professionals, Weiland BRMedge also lets you budget for future bank fees, allocate fees to business units, and model different balance, service and calculation scenarios.

Built on more than 20 years of input from the world’s largest companies, including more than 40 percent of the Fortune 500, Weiland BRMedge offers unparalleled power and versatility in one award-winning, easy-to-use solution.


  • Improve productivity: Weiland BRMedge automatically captures statements, identifies discrepancies and reports on findings, and can even notify your banks of billing errors and post fees to the general ledger. It consolidates, prioritizes and tracks every discrepancy through to resolution
  • Reduce fees: Weiland BRMedge looks at every detail of every statement, compares actual to expected charges, validates calculations and downloads treasury workstation service volumes to flag more than 30 audit violations. Compare services, banks and benchmarks to enhance negotiations and optimize service use. With total treasury transparency, you'll achieve maximum savings
  • Gain control: You can budget future fees, model "what if" scenarios or allocate fees to business units to distribute costs. From customized reports to detailed audit trails, Weiland BRMedge lets you control every aspect of the fee analysis process
  • Enjoy global capabilities: No matter where you bank across the globe, Weiland BRMedge can give you easy access to the fee information you need. The system accepts the 822 electronic account analysis statement from U.S. banks as well as the international BSB electronic statement from those abroad
  • Leave analysis to the experts: With our outsourcing option, a Fiserv bank fee expert will manage Weiland BRMedge on your behalf and advise you on actions to take. You'll gain unrivaled expertise, dedicated service and actionable information in the form of customized reports and detailed recommendations
  • Consulting Offering: Building on our outsourcing model, our experts will work with you to develop an action plan to realize cost savings and negotiate pricing with the banks on your behalf


Read more about how Fiserv bank fee analysis experts can help you maximize the value of Weiland BRMedge.