Voice Response for DNA

Your phone system is a vital connection between you and your accountholders. Voice Response for DNA® from Fiserv offers a state-of-the-art telephone banking solution with the advanced capabilities that you and your accountholders demand.


Voice Response for DNA from Fiserv helps you bring robust, interactive telephone access to financial services to your customers. Designed in a modular fashion, the components of this powerful telephone banking solution integrate directly with the DNA account processing platform, making it easy to offer all the features your callers demand.

Voice Response for DNA offers a comprehensive range of advanced capabilities, including:

  • Speech recognition: Enables callers to access the information or services they need using simple voice commands that provide fast access to account information and shorten call durations. Callers may optionally use the touch-tone keypad in conjunction with speech recognition to simplify numeric entry
  • Text-to-speech with multi-language support: Automatically converts text into lifelike, high-quality speech that can be used in place of human recordings in a variety of commercial applications. This helps to reduce costs and development time, while enhancing the consumer experience
  • Speech-enabled lending: Gives callers 24/7access to loan information and application services, with separate descriptions, rates and terms for each loan product available and a built-in, product-specific loan payment calculator that lets callers explore "what if" scenarios
  • Touchtone interactive voice response (IVR): Allows callers to easily transition between speech and touch-tone responses, ensuring a convenient caller experience
  • Speaker verification: Analyzes a person's unique "voiceprint" to identify callers, reduce fraud and enhance accountholder security. For added security, the module can support two-factor authentication using a caller pass-phrase in addition to the voiceprint


  • Advanced "call flow" technology: Voice Response for DNA supports nearly every menu option and transaction type used by today's financial institutions, so you can easily tailor the system to your institution's specific needs. You can select call flows to conduct a wide range of activities, such as offering product information and managing account transfers, loan applications, and statement requests
  • Powerful speech recognition engine: Voice Response for DNA incorporates sophisticated grammar and semantic functionality that helps to extract the meaning from a caller's spoken words, ensuring that they are properly understood and interpreted by your application. The speech engine supports the industry-standard Speech Recognition Grammar Specification (SRGS) and Semantic Interpretation for Speech Recognition (SISR)
  • Dynamic text-to-speech capabilities: The text-to-speech feature enables updated information to be spoken as soon it is loaded to the database or the appropriate text field. The text-to-speech module also supports dynamic rate information updates, eliminating the need to continually re-record an entire rate list when only a few rates have changed, and enables you to enter custom marketing messages into the system and play them back to the caller
  • Multi-language support: The speech engine supports the Speech Recognition Grammar Specification (SRGS) and Semantic Interpretation for Speech Recognition (SISR) industry standards

Branch Banking

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