Model Management

Model Management technology from Fiserv is a set of advanced, comprehensive, Web-based solutions that allow asset and overlay managers to create, maintain, manage and communicate on an unlimited number of model portfolios.


Asset and overlay managers need a comprehensive, Web-based application that enables them to create, maintain and manage an unlimited number of model portfolios.

Advanced technology automates and supports the management of models, facilitates communication of model information from managers to sponsors and provides model data reporting through three key solutions: Model Management, Model Information ExchangeSM and Model Reporting.

Managers can use Model Information Exchange with Model Management from Fiserv to communicate the same model to multiple sponsors and end customized, sponsor-specific comments and security notes.

Our Solutions

Model Management

Model Management's flexible workflow–enabled, roles-based technology allows asset and overlay managers to review models and make edits prior to publishing to the trading system. Users are assigned different permission levels to view, change or update models, providing additional levels of security and quality control.

Model Management also offers auditing and tracking and is fully integrated with the Fiserv mutual fund advisory (MFA), separately managed account (SMA) and unified managed account (UMA) trading functions of the Unified Wealth Platform.

Model Information Exchange

Model Information Exchange, a communication network for managers and sponsors who leverage Model Management, further streamlines the process by enabling managers to communicate model updates to multiple sponsors on the Fiserv platform. Model Information Exchange automates all tasks managers perform on various sponsor environments, eliminating the need to manually log into separate sponsor locations.

Managers select the sponsor and the specific date, time, and version of model to communicate in this proprietary source modeling system, then access a dashboard within Model Management to monitor the status of all model communications. With Model Information Exchange, the model is updated once and changes are communicated to multiple sponsor destinations, minimizing trading errors that often result from incorrect editing of the same model on multiple systems.

Model Reporting

Model Reporting provides investment managers with data regarding the use and adoption of their models-only portfolios at participating sponsor firms. Reports include assets under management, weekly and monthly asset flows and information about the financial advisors using the models (if provided by the sponsor firm).

Easy as 1-2-3: Model Management, Model Information Exchange and Model Reporting

Ten model portfolio sponsor firms and over 300 managers use Model Management to run their models portfolios. Model Information Exchange built within Model Management allows managers to communicate model updates to all sponsors on the Unified Wealth Platform. Model Reporting presents critical data to managers including market value, cash flows and holdings for their models-only programs.

Model portfolio technology from Fiserv integrates three technology solutions on one platform with single sign-on, addressing and resolving inefficiency surrounding the model management segment. This places Fiserv as a critical business partner in providing the technology your firm needs to drive growth.

Have a question for us?

For more information on Model Management and other Fiserv solutions, call us at 800-872-7882 or contact us.

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