Performance & Portfolio Reporting

Performance & Portfolio Reporting solutions from Fiserv allow you to communicate clearly and effectively to your clients about their investments.

It's critical to stay current and in compliance with today's constant market, client and regulatory changes. Recent market environment, volatility and investor anxiety have customers looking for increased transparency in every aspect of the investing process. Investors demand increasingly customized reporting content, more frequent reporting periods and faster turnaround.

For more than 30 years, Fiserv performance measurement and reporting solutions have delivered superior functionality, flexibility and scalability to meet the evolving demands of the investment industry. Financial services companies rely upon our Wealth Management solutions to provide the highest quality customer communications and benefit of a seamless solution for their quarterly performance report documents. Customer reporting is a critical and complicated process for investment managers. The need for on-time, accurate and reliable financial performance reports is paramount. The process of extracting data from the portfolio accounting system, to the report generation, to the production and fulfillment, is complex.

Firms need to implement a platform that produces accurate, timely, comprehensive, customized and professional customer reports and presentations. Deliver advanced, comprehensive and customizable customer reporting for your firm and your customers with our Performance and Portfolio Reporting solutions.

Our Solution

The flexibility to report compliant composite returns using our platforms enables investment managers to meet the growing demands for GIPS®-compliant performance reporting and gain a critical competitive advantage. Investment managers can use our Performance & Portfolio Reporting solutions to prepare effective performance measurement and analytics marketing materials, or to demonstrate management style and returns to customers and prospects.

A critical component to GIPS-compliant reporting is accurate and timely composite performance. The CFA Institute requires that each portfolio be included in at least one composite and that the rate of return be calculated using the asset-weighted average of the portfolio's market value. Our performance platform provides three methods for investment managers to calculate composite performance: dollar-weighted, equal-weighted and pooled (or aggregate).

Our highly functional Performance and Portfolio Reporting solutions can provide high-end performance calculations including attribution, risk, GIPS statistics, and money-weighted and time-weighted performance utilizing the Modified Dietz and daily exact valuation formulas.


Among many other benefits, with Performance and Portfolio Reporting you gain:

  • Compliant performance reporting: Meet the need for GIPS-compliant performance reporting, enabling institutions to prepare effective performance management reports on demand
  • Multiple performance calculations: Provide high-end performance calculations including attribution, risk, GIPS statistics, and money-weighted and time-weighted performance utilizing the Modified Dietz and daily exact valuation formulas
  • Accurate and timely composite performance: Three methods for investment managers to calculate composite performance: dollar-weighted, equal-weighted and pooled (or aggregate)
  • Flexible and efficient: Prepare effective performance measurement and analytics marketing materials or demonstrate management style and returns to customers and prospects

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For more information on Performance & Portfolio Reporting and other Fiserv solutions, call us at 800-872-7882 or contact us.

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