Model Information Exchange

Model Information Exchange™ on Wealth Management Network from Fiserv is the industry's first and most comprehensive investment model communication infrastructure. It supports separately managed accounts (SMA), unified managed accounts (UMA) and models-only programs.


Managers looking to connect with sponsors in order to share models need a reliable model hub. With Model Information Exchange, every task a manager performs on various sponsor environments is automated, eliminating the need to manually log into separate sponsor locations.

With Model Information Exchange, the model is updated once and changes are communicated to multiple sponsor destinations, minimizing trading errors that result from incorrect editing of the same model on multiple systems. Model Information Exchange supports separately managed accounts, unified managed accounts and models-only programs.


  • Model Communication: Within Model Information Exchange, managers can leverage Model Management from Fiserv to maintain models and initiate model communication to sponsors
  • Sponsor-Defined Restrictions: Using Model Management, managers are able to identify replacement securities for sponsor-defined restrictions
  • Audit History: Model Information Exchange features a comprehensive, 12-month audit history for each model
  • Sponsor-Specific Messaging: Managers and sponsors are able to exchange specific messaging with each model communication
  • Integrated Trade Rotation: Through the use of the version audit history feature in the Model Management, Model Information Exchange supports the integration of trade rotation into the model communication infrastructure

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