Remittance Solutions

With Remittance Solutions from Fiserv, your financial institution can offer comprehensive receivables management, remittance processing and lockbox services to customers in multiple industries.

Financial institutions need to deliver services to their customers that enable faster accounts receivable posting and information access, but that don't require significant capital expenditures for new or upgraded technology. Remittance Solutions from Fiserv enable you to offer a high-quality receivables management package - including wholesale, retail, image and wholetail lockbox services and industry-specific solutions - all with no capital expenditures.

Our Solution

A remittance solution can help financial institutions enhance customer relationships and grow valuable fee-based revenues and deposits, but building and maintaining the solution in-house can require major capital and staff expenditures. Instead, outsource to Fiserv. Rely on our remittance processing solutions, imaging technology and expertise to shift your costs from fixed to variable. Our national network of lockbox sites processes the full breadth of lockbox transactions and facilitates your customers' transition to electronic payments. We capture images of checks and documents, deposit your customers' funds, create image cash letters for electronic clearing and report detailed payment information online more efficiently than ever before.

In addition, we offer revenue cycle management solutions for the healthcare industry and comprehensive receivables management services for property managers. And all solutions are private-labeled so your customers see only your logo and brand name.

Our solutions provide financial institution customers with:

  • A national network of lockbox sites
  • Payments processing using advanced imaging technology
  • Same-day Internet viewing of check and document images
  • Automated exceptions management
  • Remote deposit capture combined with lockbox processing
  • Automated assessment collection for property management companies
  • Automated EOB and patient pay processing for healthcare providers
  • Accept payments by cards in addition to checks


Our remittance solutions will help financial institution customers:

  • Get faster access to funds and improve cash flow
  • Receive and post payment information faster
  • Improve customer service and ship products more quickly
  • Reduce paper handling and storage costs through our imaging solutions
  • Transition to electronic payment processing
  • Enjoy better than 99 percent payment processing accuracy
  • Reduce the risk of employee theft and payments fraud
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Create A New Revenue Stream

Break into the lockbox market with Fiserv.

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For more information on Remittance Solutions and other Fiserv solutions, call us at 800-872-7882 or contact us.

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