RemitStream Exception Handling: Online Decisioning

RemitStream® Exception Handling: Online Decisioning from Fiserv offers your remittance customers the ability to make same-day online decisions on exception items.


An interactive Web-based exceptions management solution, RemitStream Exception Handling: Online Decisioning provides an efficient method for reviewing and submitting decisions on exception items the same day they are processed. When a payment cannot be processed due to incomplete or inaccurate information, alert capabilities send an immediate email notification that an exception is available for review. 

Single sign-on integration with RemitStream Receivables Online offers quick access to Online Decisioning. You and your customers can review exception items, edit incorrect data, enter processing instructions, and suspend or reject items if a decision cannot be made. Approved items are automatically returned to the workflow and processed by the end of the next business day, eliminating manual intervention.


  • Seamless navigation: Easy navigation streamlines operations
  • Split items: Check exception items that are approved for processing can be split and applied to multiple accounts
  • Streamlined exception management: A cutoff time can be established for decisions on exception items. After the designated time, outstanding items automatically carry forward for review the next day

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For more information on RemitStream Exception Handling: Online Decisioning and other Fiserv solutions, call us at 800-872-7882 or contact us.

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