Enterprise Payments Platform

Simplify your payments infrastructure on a single, real-time architecture and build a resilient foundation for effective digital transformation

Real-time. Instant. Digital. Secure. Any financial institution processing retail or corporate payments must address these consumer expectations to stay competitive. Providing a payments infrastructure that enables fast, reliable, extensible payments processing and connectivity, regardless of how and where, is a necessity.

Faster payment expectations, increasing regulatory pressure, the demand for flexible deployment options, and the need to have agile and extensible payments solutions that integrate seamlessly with existing infrastructures – are challenges that present opportunities for financial institutions. In addition, the move to compliance mandated ISO 20022 structured payments provides data-rich information that financial institutions are using to mitigate risk and drive incremental revenue through new services.

Enterprise Payments Platform from Fiserv enables financial institutions to simplify their payments infrastructure and deliver an effective payments strategy on a single, integrated, real-time platform.

With Enterprise Payments Platform, you can streamline your payment workflows, modernize and replace legacy technology, and create new consumer and business products and services. Whether you do it step-by-step or all at once, you can be confident that you are positioned to compete in the evolving payments landscape with best-of-breed customer propositions. 

Enterprise Payments Platform supports more than 50 clearings globally, all on a single platform that's already processing ISO 20022:

  • ACH
  • Fedwire®
  • Canada LYNX
  • SPEI®
  • TARGET2 and EBA STEP 2
  • The Clearing House RTP®
  • UPI
  • EBA RT1

Certified Support for Global Initiatives

Seamless Omnichannel Experience

  • Process payments – independent of channel, scheme and type – on a single, centralized platform
  • Provide your customers a seamless 360-degree view of all payment activity
  • Leverage contextual, normalized information to create personalized digital experiences and products


Flexible Options for Greater Agility

  • On-premise, managed, hosted or payments as a service solution options
  • Full-featured payments platform or deployed alongside existing legacy technology to support new and evolving payment needs
  • Scalable across all volume and functional needs
  • Complete visibility and control of the end-to-end payments flow

Streamline and Simplify Your Payments Infrastructure

Centralized, 24/7/365 payment system that integrates with multiple market infrastructures and payment schemes

Minimize total costs through a single system for reporting, customer service and payment operations

Deliver the same seamless customer experience across all payments

Add new payment types, quickly and efficiently

Ensure better compliance with industry and regulatory changes

Open technology architecture that integrates with your upstream or downstream applications, giving you maximum visibility and control 

Global Presence

Enterprise Payments Platform for financial institutions of all sizes, worldwide

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Impact Study: Can You Afford Compliance?

Maintaining compliance for both regulatory and industry-driven standards is complex and expensive, yet fundamental to a financial institution’s ability to provide payment services. This impact study explores five core areas of compliance that are challenging financial institutions today, and how combatting these concerns can orient institutions for success.

Read the Study


Learn how Fiserv can help you continue your payments transformation journey and create your own future-facing payments strategy.

The Value of a Payment Hub for Financial Institutions

Approached strategically, payment hubs can help financial institutions manage and maintain existing infrastructure while enabling them to build capabilities to address new payment initiatives. Listen to the podcast as Fiserv experts discuss the many benefits of a payment hub.



Listen to the podcast

Learn More

Payments Transformation: Emerging Stronger

The seventh edition of the annual Fiserv payments survey highlights the resilience of financial institutions and their ability to clearly assess and understand emerging and disruptive trends as well as their views on future operating models, market developments such as instant payments, overlay services, and payments as a service, and the increasing focus on cash and liquidity management.

Read the report


The Benefits of Payments as a Service for Your Financial Institution

Payments as a service can provide a solution tailored to the needs of each financial institution. Here's what you need to know if you're considering a move to a payments as a service model.

Read the white paper


How SMEs' Business Needs are Driving (Instant) Payments Innovation

Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) play a huge part in the global economy and have been quick to adopt digital workarounds to keep their businesses running. This sponsored white paper details how financial institutions can continue to support SMEs with well-thought-out payment solutions.

Read the white paper


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