
Every day, consumers count on you to help them move money quickly and securely. Fiserv offers a full range of efficient in-house and outsourced payment solutions that help you match the speed of consumers' expectations.     

Consumers and businesses are redefining how they want to interact with their financial institutions and the types of services they want to access – making an institution's geographic footprint less important and its ability to connect with consumers and businesses on their own terms mission critical. Fiserv helps businesses find innovative solutions that manage costs, protect and grow revenue, and mitigate risks associated with the payment process – while attracting and growing their customer relationships.


Our Solution

Today’s environment has forced financial institutions to reevaluate how digital channels and real-time payments can be used to deliver the experiences consumers expect.  Whether your customers are paying people or businesses, in person, online or by mobile, Fiserv solutions allow you to maximize the potential of electronic payment processing. We offer a range of innovative, fully integrated in-house and outsourced payment solutions designed to meet your needs and your customers' changing demands, while adhering to regulatory requirements.


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The Shift to Real-Time Payments

The shift toward digital payments is affecting how we transact, consume, and pay bills and people. The pressures facing financial institutions are growing. The industry faces rapidly growing consumer expectations for real-time payments and instant money movement as well as payment infrastructure challenges.

Fiserv has a long-standing commitment to market-leading innovation. Real-time payments are at the center of that innovation. 

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Today, electronic transactions have become the preferred payment method – over checks and even cash. Consumer behavior is changing at a scale and speed never experienced before. Anything that can be done digitally, will be – and chances are, consumer will expect it to be done in real-time.

By leveraging innovation and focusing on our collective strengths, we help clients navigate this changing landscape. Our real-time payments technology solutions help you:

Reduce operational costs associated with multiple payment channels

  • Offer scalable network expertise, modernization and transparency to your payments operation
  • Reduce check and cash processing costs as consumers move to real-time digital payments
  • Deliver a combination of in-house, outsourced and processing offerings, domain expertise and consulting services
  • Share payment information across your entire organization
  • Obtain a dashboard view of payment activity from a holistic perspective

Protect and grow your business

  • Attract and retain customers
  • Modernize your payments suite with real-time payment processing capabilities
  • Offer a mix of payment products and consulting services
  • Align new products with the most appropriate segments
  • Better understand your customers and their buying behavior
  • Optimize pricing for services

Mitigate and manage fraud, risk and compliance issues

  • Benefit from our domain expertise
  • Have better visibility and transparency across payment silos
  • Use products that prevent fraud in real-time before it occurs
  • Take advantage of a secure transaction environment and comprehensive risk and compliance tools
woman on a phone, customer service

Have a question for us?

For more information on Payments and other Fiserv solutions, call us at 800-872-7882 or contact us.

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