Real Time Payments

The current environment has forever changed the dynamics of the payments ecosystem, particularly around real-time payments. There are profound implications for consumers, businesses and the financial institutions that serve them.

Consumers expect to get what they need, when they want it. That includes access to money.

And those fundamental changes to consumer behavior are accelerating. Convenience and speed are at the center of what’s driving consumer adoption of digital payment services as well as innovation by financial institutions which are witnessing massive behavior change at a scale and speed never experienced before.

Top financial institutions see real time as a critical component of meeting consumer expectations and achieving higher customer satisfaction. Digital transformation is fueled, most notably, by the move to real time and the comfort level consumers – across generations – increasingly have with digital and mobile payments.

Anything that can be done digitally will be. And chances are it will be done in real time or near real time.

Digital Payments in a Real-Time World

Technology innovations are enabling financial institutions to realize substantial benefits across the payments value chain. Payments modernization and the move to real time have become priorities for financial institutions. 

Stay ahead of disruptive innovators with speed and agility

Rapidly transform existing infrastructures, systems and processes

Invest in technology that meets immediate needs 

Respond to the changing payments ecosystem


Fiserv can guide you through the evolution of technology and help you take steps to achieve your strategic goals long into the future.  

Digital Consumer Payments

Three of our primary solutions deliver the first consumer-led use cases for real-time payments. 

CheckFree Next

New API-based platform offers an innovative approach to helping financial institutions to be first in line for their accountholders’ digital payment needs. Learn More


The industry standard for interbank account-to-account transfers, TransferNow is offered by seven of the top 10 financial institutions. Learn More


Through our Turnkey Service for Zelle, financial institutions can launch a fast, convenient P2P solution designed by financial institutions for financial institutions. Learn More

Payment Infrastructure Solutions

Modernizing your payment processing platforms can pave the way for real-time payment and information flows. 


A gateway to and enabler of real-time payments across your enterprise and a first step to payments modernization.

Enterprise Payments Platform

Fast, intelligent processing and connectivity across channels, payment types and clearing schemes delivered from a single, integrated technology platform. Learn More

Risk Management

Fiserv delivers capabilities that align and optimize the fraud and risk solutions across payments types, channels, customer types and more.




A proven real-time solution to aid in fraud prevention and regulatory requirements. Learn More


A powerful automated transaction monitoring engine that helps financial institutions proactively identify potential fraudulent threats, mitigate risks and maintain regulatory compliance. Learn More

The Business Case for P2P Payments

Digital, real-time P2P payments are skyrocketing. Zelle has demonstrated appeal that goes beyond large national banks. What’s driving the broad adoption by financial institutions and consumers? What’s behind the phenomenon and the fundamentals for building your business case?


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